Simple Harmonic Motion -
let me help you go through on simple harmonic motion. Let us consider a particle vibrating back and forth about the origin of an x-axis between the
limits +A and –A as shown in Figure. In between these extreme positions the particle

the origin of x-axis, between the limits +A and –A. moves in such a manner that its speed is
maximum when it is at the origin and zero when it is at ± A. The time t is chosen to be
zero when the particle is at +A and it returns to +A at t = T. In this section we will describe
this motion. Later, we shall discuss how to achieve it.
In general, a body may vibrate under the action of restoring forces not directly proportional to displacement. However, such complicated motions can be considered as suitable combination of two or more simple harmonic motions. Many types of motion, such as the oscillation of a pendulum, can be considered approximately simple harmonic, provided the amplitude is small. It must be noted that acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion is not a constant and hence, the equations of motion of bodies with uniform acceleration cannot be applied in this case.
I hope my information on simple harmonic motion was helpful to you. keep reading .. i can help understand on all your doubts on Physics help. Let me also try to help you more on Uniform Circular Motion.
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